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exclamation-circle LoRa - Work in progress

5 years 4 months ago #8426 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Basta un swpi-update
Non so ... prova sulla SPI0

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5 years 4 months ago #8427 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
ok provo
ma il pin rst del modulino (filo giallo) nella SPI0 non è collegato?

Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8428 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Allora Tony
sono ripartito per l'ennesima volta da un immagine pulita (1093)
ho aggiornato prima swpi-update
poi sudo apt-get update/upgrade,
siccome so che a fare esperimenti ci si può imbattere in moduli difettosi
oppure si possono guastare per collegamenti errati e/o saldature maldestre,
di modulini rf95 ne ho presi 4 (in previsione anche di costruire due stazioni)
quindi ho montato un terzo modulino e ricominciato a fare prove......

sto provando con RPI 2 e/o RPI-zero
alimentatore originale 2A
mi porto nella cartella rfm95
quando lancio sudo python tx.py oppure sudo python rx.py
il sistema va in crash (il monitor si spenge quindi credo che si spenga il sistema)
questo che il modulino sia montato su SPI0 che SPI1

non so più cosa fare

ci sono altre cose da provare?
ormai sta diventando una sfida


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8429 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Tony da terminale in ssh.......

pi@swpi ~ $ cd /swpi/rfm95
pi@swpi /swpi/rfm95 $ sudo python tx.py
[08/03/2019-12:17:39] RF95 LoRa mode ok
[08/03/2019-12:17:39] Sent packe(123ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:17:43] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:17:45] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:17:48] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:17:50] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:17:53] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:17:55] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:17:58] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:01] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:04] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:06] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:09] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:11] Sent packe(132ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:14] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:16] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:20] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:22] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:25] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:27] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:30] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:32] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:35] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:38] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:41] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:43] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:46] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:48] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:51] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:53] Sent packe(132ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01
[08/03/2019-12:18:57] ACT Timeout
[08/03/2019-12:18:59] Sent packe(133ms) $SW,1,315.0,0,0,11.7,89,948,0*01


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #8430 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Ok .. mi sembra che funzioni.
Prova ora un ricevitore.
Se anche quello funziona puoi passare a configurare SWLI.. ti consiglio du usare la comunicazione unidirezionale.
Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by tony.

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5 years 4 months ago #8431 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Scusa Tony

1) ACT Timeout allora non è un problema?

2) il ricevitore lo testo sempre da SSH con comando diretto sudo pyhton rx.py?
penso però che mi serva il tx in funzione....o sbaglio?

3) unidirezionale sia TX che RX giusto?


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8432 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Act timeout perché il ricevitore non risponde...

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5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #8433 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Allora Tony
penso di essere quasi a posto....
pare funzionare però......

quel ERROR in getting LoRa data cos'è??
i dati che riceve sono giusti confrontandoli con la trasmissione....
l'ultimo dato però non so cos'è....

inoltre non invia i dati al server web.....
credo sia per quel errore li


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah
Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by asy961.

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5 years 4 months ago #8434 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Riceve ma non decodifica per qualche motivo .. l'immagine è troppo piccola .. non vedo

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5 years 4 months ago - 5 years 4 months ago #8435 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

prova adesso


vedi il post successivo

Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah
Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by asy961.

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5 years 4 months ago #8436 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

ecco due stralci dei log in trasmissione e ricezione....


[09/03/2019-16:15:30] Logging data to Database
[09/03/2019-16:15:30] Dir: ESE - Spd: 16 - Gst: 57 - Tout: 18.9 - Tin: 83.0 - Hout: 54.2 - Hin: 78.0 - P: 1014 - Rtot: 80.0 - RDay: 27.0 - R1h: 27.0 - R24h: 27.0 - CB: 1155 - UV: 78 - Watts/m: 16.0
[09/03/2019-16:15:30] LoRa : Sending ...
[09/03/2019-16:15:30] SendToLoRa(105ms) : $SW,1,123,16,57,18.9,54,1014,0*2B
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] BME280 - Temperature: 18.6 C Pressure: 1014.7 humidity 54
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] Logging data to Database
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] Dir: S - Spd: 18 - Gst: 60 - Tout: 18.6 - Tin: 26.0 - Hout: 54.4 - Hin: 9.0 - P: 1014 - Rtot: 17.0 - RDay: -36.0 - R1h: -36.0 - R24h: -36.0 - CB: 1142 - UV: 75 - Watts/m: 19.0
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] LoRa : Sending ...
[09/03/2019-16:16:30] SendToLoRa(105ms) : $SW,1,183,18,60,18.6,54,1014,0*24
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] Disk space left = 2455 Mb
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] Sleeping 120 seconds
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] BME280 - Temperature: 18.7 C Pressure: 1014.6 humidity 54
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] Logging data to Database
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] Dir: NNW - Spd: 5 - Gst: 78 - Tout: 18.7 - Tin: 52.0 - Hout: 54.3 - Hin: 86.0 - P: 1014 - Rtot: 40.0 - RDay: -13.0 - R1h: -13.0 - R24h: -13.0 - CB: 1148 - UV: 51 - Watts/m: 80.0
[09/03/2019-16:17:30] LoRa : Sending ...
[09/03/2019-16:17:31] SendToLoRa(105ms) : $SW,1,328,5,78,18.7,54,1014,0*13
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] BME280 - Temperature: 18.8 C Pressure: 1014.6 humidity 54
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] Logging data to Database
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] Dir: NW - Spd: 42 - Gst: 60 - Tout: 18.8 - Tin: 8.0 - Hout: 54.4 - Hin: 2.0 - P: 1014 - Rtot: 17.0 - RDay: -36.0 - R1h: -36.0 - R24h: -36.0 - CB: 1145 - UV: 67 - Watts/m: 44.0
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] LoRa : Sending ...
[09/03/2019-16:18:31] SendToLoRa(105ms) : $SW,1,325,42,60,18.8,54,1014,0*2B
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] BME280 - Temperature: 18.9 C Pressure: 1014.6 humidity 54
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] Logging data to Database
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] Dir: SE - Spd: 22 - Gst: 91 - Tout: 18.9 - Tin: 59.0 - Hout: 53.9 - Hin: 48.0 - P: 1014 - Rtot: 60.0 - RDay: 7.0 - R1h: 7.0 - R24h: 7.0 - CB: 1161 - UV: 95 - Watts/m: 84.0
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] LoRa : Sending ...
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] SendToLoRa(106ms) : $SW,1,130,22,91,18.9,53,1014,0*23
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] Disk space left = 2455 Mb
[09/03/2019-16:19:30] Sleeping 120 seconds


[11/03/2019-07:48:36] LoRA - Wrong checksum
[11/03/2019-07:48:36] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:50:10] LoRa Received (-20dBm): $SW,1,123,16,57,18.9,54,1014,0*2B
[11/03/2019-07:50:10] ERROR in getting LoRa data
[11/03/2019-07:50:10] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:50:32] Checking internet connection ...
[11/03/2019-07:50:33] Internet ok
[11/03/2019-07:50:33] Rereading config file ..
[11/03/2019-07:50:33] Disk space left = 1346 Mb
[11/03/2019-07:50:33] Sleeping 120 seconds
lun 11 mar 2019, 07.50.33, CET
[11/03/2019-07:50:33] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[11/03/2019-07:51:10] LoRa Received (-20dBm): $SW,1,183,18,60,18.6,54,1014,0*24
[11/03/2019-07:51:10] ERROR in getting LoRa data
[11/03/2019-07:51:10] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:52:10] LoRa Received (-20dBm): $SW,1,328,5,78,18.7,54,1014,0*13
[11/03/2019-07:52:10] ERROR in getting LoRa data
[11/03/2019-07:52:10] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:52:32] Checking internet connection ...
[11/03/2019-07:52:33] Internet ok
[11/03/2019-07:52:33] Rereading config file ..
[11/03/2019-07:52:33] Disk space left = 1346 Mb
[11/03/2019-07:52:33] Sleeping 120 seconds
lun 11 mar 2019, 07.52.34, CET
[11/03/2019-07:52:34] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[11/03/2019-07:53:11] LoRa Received (-20dBm): $SW,1,325,42,60,18.8,54,1014,0*2B
[11/03/2019-07:53:11] ERROR in getting LoRa data
[11/03/2019-07:53:11] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:53:32] Last main Thread delay ratio: 0.5
[11/03/2019-07:54:10] LoRa Received (-20dBm): $SW,1,130,22,91,18.9,53,1014,0*23
[11/03/2019-07:54:10] ERROR in getting LoRa data
[11/03/2019-07:54:10] Waiting for LoRa data...
[11/03/2019-07:54:33] Checking internet connection ...
[11/03/2019-07:54:34] Internet ok
[11/03/2019-07:54:34] Rereading config file ..
[11/03/2019-07:54:34] Disk space left = 1346 Mb
[11/03/2019-07:54:34] Sleeping 120 seconds
lun 11 mar 2019, 07.54.34, CET
[11/03/2019-07:54:34] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org

non fare caso alla data/ora diverse....in trasmissione non sono collegato a internet e non si aggiorna la data/ora

Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8437 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Mmmm. Strano. Riceve ma va in errore la decodifica. Hai messo lo stesso ID {1} anche in ricezione?

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5 years 4 months ago #8438 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

si ID 1 come da default....
in ogni caso ti allego le configurazioni in TX e RX vedi se cambiare qualcosa

File Attachment:

File Name: swpi_TX.txt
File Size:4 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: swpi_RX.txt
File Size:4 KB


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8439 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Sembra tutto ok .. non so.
Prova a togliere il try a linea 106 di sensor_lora.py cosi vediamo dove è il problema.

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5 years 4 months ago #8440 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

se basta commentare la riga 106
mi da un errore sulla riga 168 except
se commento anche quella non ottengo più nulla in ricezione


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8441 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
L'ho commentata io ... prova un swpi-update

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5 years 4 months ago #8442 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
ecco il risultato


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8443 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Riprova un update ...

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5 years 4 months ago #8444 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

mentre la parte TX non manca un colpo la parte RX adesso sembra funzionare anche se ogni tanto succede qualcosa che non riesco a spiegare....i dati ricevuti/codifcati sono incomprensibili e ciclicamente da un errore ed effettua un reboot.....forse è meglio se ti metto uno stralcio del log e una foto a video dell'errore prima del reboot....

[12/03/2019-07:43:26] Starting General WatchDog
mar 12 mar 2019, 07.43.27, CET
[12/03/2019-07:43:27] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] LoRa Received (-21dBm): $SW,1,6,18,57,16.5,45,1023,0*25
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Logging data to Database
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Checking internet connection ...
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Dir: N - Spd: 18 - Gst: 57 - Tout: 16.5 - Hout: 45.0 - P: 1023 - CB: 1460
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Logging data ...
[12/03/2019-07:43:41] Internet ok
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Rereading config file ..
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Disk space left = 1346 Mb
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Sleeping 120 seconds
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Data sent to server : OK
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Uploading data ...
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Waiting for LoRa data...
mar 12 mar 2019, 07.43.42, CET
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[12/03/2019-07:43:42] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] LoRa Received (-22dBm): $SW,1,105,12,97,16.7,44,1023,0*22
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Logging data to Database
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Dir: ESE - Spd: 12 - Gst: 97 - Tout: 16.7 - Hout: 44.0 - P: 1023 - CB: 1501
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Logging data ...
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Data sent to server : OK
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Uploading data ...
[12/03/2019-07:44:40] Waiting for LoRa data...
[12/03/2019-07:44:41] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[12/03/2019-07:44:41] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[12/03/2019-07:44:47] LoRa Received (-72dBm): r�[v�8ѳ^ C$�ȰH�#k�7&Y�#w���&���!�?F��#ǐs��#�����/�(�^�n*��%cL�f5�k�#u���#�1###��#�&��$\�k#ݸ�‹���3��#�G���N#�l��
[12/03/2019-07:44:47] LoRA - Wrong checksum
[12/03/2019-07:44:47] Waiting for LoRa data...
[12/03/2019-07:45:40] LoRa Received (-21dBm): $SW,1,292,7,59,16.8,44,1023,0*16
[12/03/2019-07:45:40] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[12/03/2019-07:45:40] Logging data to Database
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Logging data to Database
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Dir: NW - Spd: 7 - Gst: 96 - Tout: 18.1 - Hout: 40.0 - P: 1023 - CB: 1684
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Logging data ...
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Data sent to server : OK
[12/03/2019-07:52:41] Uploading data ...
[12/03/2019-07:52:42] Waiting for LoRa data...
[12/03/2019-07:52:42] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[12/03/2019-07:52:42] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[12/03/2019-07:52:48] LoRa Received (-77dBm): � �p�A�#`�s����ڡm#e
[12/03/2019-07:53:44] Checking internet connection ...
[12/03/2019-07:53:44] Internet ok
[12/03/2019-07:53:44] Rereading config file ..
[12/03/2019-07:53:44] Error : Something wrong with sensors .. restarting ws
[12/03/2019-07:53:44] Rebooting system ..
[12/03/2019-08:00:40] Calculating Meteo data and statistics
[12/03/2019-08:00:40] Logging data to Database
[12/03/2019-08:00:40] Dir: SW - Spd: 13 - Gst: 57 - Tout: 19.5 - Hout: 39.0 - P: 1023 - CB: 1746
[12/03/2019-08:00:40] Logging data ...
[12/03/2019-08:00:41] Data sent to server : OK
[12/03/2019-08:00:41] Uploading data ...
[12/03/2019-08:00:41] Waiting for LoRa data...
[12/03/2019-08:00:41] Deleted file : /dev/shm/meteo.txt
[12/03/2019-08:00:41] Sending file to server : meteo.txt OK Deleted
[12/03/2019-08:00:42] Checking internet connection ...
[12/03/2019-08:00:42] Internet ok
[12/03/2019-08:00:43] Rereading config file ..
[12/03/2019-08:00:43] Disk space left = 1346 Mb
[12/03/2019-08:00:43] Sleeping 120 seconds
mar 12 mar 2019, 08.00.44, CET
[12/03/2019-08:00:44] System time adjusted from NTP server : pool.ntp.org
[12/03/2019-08:00:58] LoRa Received (-75dBm): ���!��xk�#�#I����##�i�EL.x��#�����|d�I#.m#9=��S̴�yd�٩��A�Ur����#;�ƶ���#+]���r��H|$����#���w

[12/03/2019-08:01:30] Last main Thread delay ratio: 0.4
[12/03/2019-08:02:43] Checking internet connection ...
[12/03/2019-08:02:44] Internet ok
[12/03/2019-08:02:44] Rereading config file ..
[12/03/2019-08:02:44] Error : Something wrong with sensors .. restarting ws
[12/03/2019-08:02:44] Rebooting system ..

questa la foto a video

Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8445 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

proprio mentre scrivevo è successo di nuovo e questa volta almeno si legge il problema....

Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8446 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Si chiaro. Quello succede perché ho tolto il try e quindi va in errore quando riceve robaccia. Dopo cena lo rimetto...
Mi sembra sembra tutto ok ora.

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5 years 4 months ago #8447 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Si Tony
se è cosi allora sembra che vada bene....

attendo le ultime modifiche e poi prima di iniziare con le prove sulla distanza
devo preparare l'alimentazione per la stazione TX....
qualche suggerimento?


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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5 years 4 months ago #8449 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress

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5 years 4 months ago #8450 by asy961
Replied by asy961 on topic LoRa - Work in progress

sono ormai più di 4 ore che viaggia al banco e non da problemi.....
ogni tanto riceve 'robaccia' ma la ignora e va avanti senza fermarsi....
direi che ci siamo

ora inizia la parte dei test 'sul campo'.....
ti aggiornerò più avanti

intanto GRAZIE come al solito per il lavoro e la disponibilità


Stazione Meteo: Raspberry PI B, Sensori Vento PCE, BME280, Camera PI, Web Cam HD, Huawei K3765, Pannello Fotovoltaico 50W - 1 Batteria 12V-40Ah

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4 years 10 months ago #8495 by Fulminao
Replied by Fulminao on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Ciao Tony

Quindi la versione 2 1093 scaricabile dal collegamento presente nella sezione Download ha questo aggiornamento sul funzionamento del LoRa oppure una volta scaricata ed installata nel raspberry dobbiamo farwe un upgrade?


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4 years 9 months ago #8498 by tony
Replied by tony on topic LoRa - Work in progress
Devi fare swpi-update

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3 years 10 months ago #8593 by Piero
Replied by Piero on topic LoRa - Work in progress

tony wrote: Devi fare swpi-update

Ciao a tutti! Congratulazioni per questo bel progetto!Volevo utilizzare anch'io il sistema LoRa ma non riesco a farlo funzionare, sta usando la versione2 1093 aggiornato alla versione 01.27.21 ho fatto pure swpi_update però ho notato che nella directory cd/swpi manca la cartella rfm95 è forse questo il motivo perché non mi sta funzionando?
Quando attivo il trasmettore LoRa il raspberry non risponde più ai comandi e si riavvia in continuazione, è forse dovuto alla cartella mancante suddetta?

Grazie molte per l'aiuto!

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1 year 6 months ago #8706 by Campo
Replied by Campo on topic LoRa - Work in progress
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1 year 5 months ago #8707 by Campo
Replied by Campo on topic LoRa - Work in progress
datebest.net - visit website and win smartphone!

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  • Eustacchio
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1 year 5 months ago #8708 by Eustacchio
Replied by Eustacchio on topic LoRa - Work in progress
t.me/pump_upp - best crypto pumps on telegram
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